2011年4月16日 星期六

Pubmed與 Medline & PsycInfo的搜尋結果比較:以台灣OT教師近一年的研究成果為例

因此以Pubmed和 Medlin& PsycInfo搜尋。


(National Taiwan University[Affiliation] OR Kaohsiung Medical University[Affiliation] OR National Cheng Kung University[Affiliation] OR Chang Gung University[Affiliation] OR I-Shou University[Affiliation] OR Chung Shan Medical University[Affiliation] OR Fu Jen Catholic University[Affiliation] OR China Medical University[Affiliation] OR National Yang-Ming University[Affiliation] OR Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine[Affiliation] OR Fooyin University[Affiliation] OR Shu-Zen College of Medicine and Management[Affiliation] OR Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology[Affiliation]) AND “occupational therapy”
(National Taiwan University OR Kaohsiung Medical University OR National Cheng Kung University OR Chang Gung University OR I-Shou University OR Chung Shan Medical University OR Fu Jen Catholic University OR China Medical University OR National Yang-Ming University OR Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine OR Fooyin University OR Shu-Zen College of Medicine and Management OR Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) AND occupational therapy[Affiliation]
(lin kc OR hsieh cl OR tseng mh OR pan aw OR hsueh ip OR mao hf OR jang y OR chen hl OR huang sl OR wu ct OR kuo lc OR ma hi OR chang jh OR lee ic OR wang ty OR lin ly OR chang lh OR hsu yw OR tsai pl OR huang ys OR hwang ys OR liu yj OR hwang th OR hsu hy OR chen-sea mj OR su cy OR chang jj OR hwang yp OR yang ys OR tsai ay OR kao cc OR chen hm OR su wl OR chou yc OR wu cy OR ho my OR meng lf OR chern js OR shen ih OR chen hy OR li ky OR chan py OR shaw rj OR yang cc OR chen hj OR li pc OR chang sh OR chang lc OR tsai bm OR lin hy OR yo ty OR fan sc OR lee ps OR lai yf OR chen sx OR chen jl OR chen mh OR chen ff OR lou sz OR chiu mc OR li pc OR lu ws OR yang gd OR lin ch OR kao yl OR chou mh OR wu cr OR huang hj OR chiang hy OR shih yn OR chou cy OR hsiu lc OR tsai hr OR chen js OR wu ds OR hong jh OR zheng tj OR lin jr OR wen wj OR yang sy OR chang mr OR w pc) AND occupational therapy[Affiliation] AND Taiwan
"occupational therapy" AND taiwan


Medline & PsycInfo
(National Taiwan University OR Kaohsiung Medical University OR National Cheng Kung University OR Chang Gung University OR I-Shou University OR Chung Shan Medical University OR Fu Jen Catholic University OR China Medical University OR National Yang-Ming University OR Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine OR Fooyin University OR Shu-Zen College of Medicine and Management OR Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) AND (occupational therapy.in. OR occupational therapy.ia. OR occupational therapy.cq.)
(National Taiwan University OR Kaohsiung Medical University OR National Cheng Kung University OR Chang Gung University OR I-Shou University OR Chung Shan Medical University OR Fu Jen Catholic University OR China Medical University OR National Yang-Ming University OR Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine OR Fooyin University OR Shu-Zen College of Medicine and Management OR Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) AND occupational therapy
(lin kc or hsieh cl or tseng mh or pan aw or hsueh ip or mao hf or jang y or chen hl or huang sl or wu ct or kuo lc or ma hi or chang jh or lee ic or wang ty or lin ly or chang lh or hsu yw or tsai pl or huang ys or hwang ys or liu yj or hwang th or hsu hy or chen-sea mj or su cy or chang jj or hwang yp or yang ys or tsai ay or kao cc or chen hm or su wl or chou yc or wu cy or ho my or meng lf or chern js or shen ih or chen hy or li ky or chan py or shaw rj or yang cc or chen hj or li pc or chang sh or chang lc or tsai bm or lin hy or yo ty or fan sc or lee ps or lai yf or chen sx or chen jl or chen mh or chen ff or lou sz or chiu mc or li pc or lu ws or yang gd or lin ch or kao yl or chou mh or wu cr or huang hj or chiang hy or shih yn or chou cy or hsiu lc or tsai hr or chen js or wu ds or hong jh or zheng tj or lin jr or wen wj or yang sy or chang mr or w pc) and occupational therapy
Occupational therapy AND Taiwan (因為occupational therapy 會找到職業災害,因此不採用此搜尋策略)
"Occupational therapy" and Taiwan
"Occupational therapy" and Taiwan.in.



Pubmed Medline & PyscInfo 搜尋結果合併共有49篇,刪除重複與不知為何被放進來的文獻後,得到43


Chen, C.L., et al., Relationships between developmental profiles and ambulatory ability in A follow-up study of preschool children with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Chang Gung Med J, 2010. 33(5): p. 524-31.
2.         Chen, H.M., et al., Frontal function, disability and caregiver burden in elderly patients with major depressive disorder. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 2010. 26(10): p. 548-54.
3.         Chen, K.L., et al., Responsiveness of the Psychoeducational Profile-third Edition for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord, 2011.
4.         Chen, K.L., et al., Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory: a cross-cultural comparison of daily function between Taiwanese and American children. Res Dev Disabil, 2010. 31(6): p. 1590-600.
5.         Hsueh, I.P., et al., Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing balance function in patients with stroke. Phys Ther, 2010. 90(9): p. 1336-44.
6.         Huang, S.L., et al., Minimal detectable change of the timed "up & go" test and the dynamic gait index in people with Parkinson disease. Phys Ther, 2011. 91(1): p. 114-21.
7.         Hwang, Y.S., et al., Factors Affecting Early Feeding Performance in Preterm Infants below 32 Weeks Gestation. J Trop Pediatr, 2011.
8.         Hwang, Y.S., et al., Effects of Prefeeding Oral Stimulation on Feeding Performance of Preterm Infants. Indian J Pediatr, 2010.
9.         Lee, Y.C., et al., The impact of stroke: insights from patients in Taiwan. Occup Ther Int, 2010. 17(3): p. 152-8.
10.       Li, K.Y., et al., The effect of dopamine replacement therapy on haptic sensitivity in Parkinson's disease. J Neurol, 2010. 257(12): p. 1992-8.
11.       Lin, C.K., et al., Validity and internal consistency reliability of a computerized test to assess prone extension in children ages four to six years. Percept Mot Skills, 2010. 111(1): p. 199-209.
12.       Lin, K.C., et al., Assessing the stroke-specific quality of life for outcome measurement in stroke rehabilitation: minimal detectable change and clinically important difference. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2011. 9: p. 5.
13.       Lin, K.C., et al., Effects of home-based constraint-induced therapy versus dose-matched control intervention on functional outcomes and caregiver well-being in children with cerebral palsy. Res Dev Disabil, 2011.
14.       Lin, L.Y., Factors associated with caregiving burden and maternal pessimism in mothers of adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder in Taiwan. Occup Ther Int, 2010.
15.       Lin, L.Y., et al., The agreement of caregivers' initial identification of children's developmental problems with the professional assessment in Taiwan. Res Dev Disabil, 2011.
16.       Mao, H.F., et al., Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology (QUEST 2.0): the development of the Taiwanese version. Clin Rehabil, 2010. 24(5): p. 412-21.
17.       Su, C.T., et al., Impairment of stance control in children with sensory modulation disorder. Am J Occup Ther, 2010. 64(3): p. 443-52.
18.       Tseng, M.H., et al., The determinants of daily function in children with cerebral palsy. Res Dev Disabil, 2011. 32(1): p. 235-45.
19.       Wang, T.N., et al., Postural control of pre-term infants at 6 and 12 months corrected age. Early Hum Dev, 2010. 86(7): p. 433-7.
20.       Wu, C.Y., et al., Responsiveness and validity of two outcome measures of instrumental activities of daily living in stroke survivors receiving rehabilitative therapies. Clin Rehabil, 2011. 25(2): p. 175-83.
21.       Wu, C.Y., et al., Brain reorganization after bilateral arm training and distributed constraint-induced therapy in stroke patients: a preliminary functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Chang Gung Med J, 2010. 33(6): p. 628-38.
22.       Wuang, Y.P., C.Y. Su, and J.H. Su, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance in children with developmental coordination disorder. Res Dev Disabil, 2011.
23.       Wuang, Y.P., L.C. Wang, and C.Y. Su, A Rasch-based validation of the Hooper Visual Organization Test in Chinese-speaking children. Res Dev Disabil, 2010. 31(6): p. 1276-82.

Medline & PsycInfo得到的結果如下

Brown, T., et al., Predictors of Research utilization among pediatric occupational therapists. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 2010. 30(4): p. 172-183.
2.         Chan, D.K.-C., M.S. Hagger, and C.M. Spray, Treatment motivation for rehabilitation after a sport injury: Application of the trans-contextual model. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2011. 12(2): p. 83-92.
3.         Chang, J.-H., et al., Correlation of return to work outcomes and hand impairment measures among workers with traumatic hand injury. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2011. 21(1): p. 9-16.
4.         Chang, W.-P., P.L. Davies, and W.J. Gavin, Individual differences in error monitoring in healthy adults: Psychological symptoms and antisocial personality characteristics. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2010. 32(8): p. 1388-1396.
5.         Chiang, H.-Y. and K. Jacobs, Perceptions of a computer-based instruction system in special education: High school teachers and students' views. Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2010. 37(4): p. 349-359.
6.         Howe, T.-H., C.-H. Hsu, and M.-W. Tsai, Prevalence of feeding related issues/difficulties in Taiwanese children with history of prematurity, 2003-2006. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2010. 31(2): p. 510-516.
7.         Huang, Y.-h., et al., Predictors of change in quality of life after distributed constraint-induced therapy in patients with chronic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2010. 24(6): p. 559-566.
8.         Ko, Y.-H., I.H. Shen, and D.-S. Lee, Color combinations of visual display terminal (VDT) icon on user preferences and EEG reponse. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2010. 110(2): p. 411-428.
9.         Lee, D.-S., et al., Effect of light source, ambient illumination, character size and interline spacing on visual performance and visual fatigue with electronic paper displays. Displays, 2011. 32(1): p. 1-7.
10.       Lin, L.-Y., et al., Families of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders in taiwan: The role of social support and coping in family adaptation and maternal well-being. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2011. 5(1): p. 144-156.
11.       Li-Tsang, C.W., et al., Handwriting characteristics among secondary students with and without physical disabilities: A study with a computerized tool. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2011. 32(1): p. 207-216.
12.       Lo, J.-L., G. Yao, and T.-M. Wang, Development of the Chinese language Paediatric Daily Occupation Scale in Taiwan. Occupational Therapy International, 2010. 17(1): p. 20-28.
13.       Lo, S.-F., et al., The effectiveness of multimedia learning education programs on knowledge, anxiety and pressure garment compliance in patients undergoing burns rehabilitation in Taiwan: An experimental study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010. 19(1-2): p. 129-137.
14.       Mu, K., et al., Occupational therapy students' attitudes towards inclusion education in Australia, United Kingdom, United States and Taiwan. Occupational Therapy International, 2010. 17(1): p. 40-52.
15.       Pan, A.-W., et al., Examining the validity of the Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool: Using classical test theory and item response theory. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2011. 74(1): p. 34-40.
16.       Poon, K., et al., The effect of a computerized visual perception and visual-motor integration training program on improving chinese handwriting of children with handwriting difficulties. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2010. 31(6): p. 1552-1560.
17.       Tsai, L.-H., et al., Coincidence of homophone spelling errors and attention problems in schoolchildren: A survey study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2011. 32(1): p. 75-80.
18.       Tseng, Y.-F., C.-H. Chen, and C.S. Lee, Effects of listening to music on postpartum stress and anxiety levels. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010. 19(7-8): p. 1049-1055.
19.       Wuang, Y.-P., et al., Effectiveness of virtual reality using Wii gaming technology in children with Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2011. 32(1): p. 312-321.
20.       Wuang, Y.-P., et al., The effectiveness of simulated developmental horse-riding program in children with autism. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2010. 27(2): p. 113-126.

1 則留言:

  1. 1. PubMed & Medline 資料庫內容差異何在?
    2. 合併的意思是指 OR? 再刪除重複?
    3. 部分 occupational therapy 之檢索,未明確指出搜尋對象(摘要或機構)
    4. 以機構為主的檢索方式,有何缺點?
