2. 樣本代表性的限制是什麼意思?
3. 項目選擇的方法p.21
4. 資料分析的樣本是指什麼? P.21
5. norming:因為不同人對於項目的難易程度的解釋是不同的,為瞭解題目的難易度,會制訂一個大概的範圍作界定的標準。
6. 各個統計項目與IRT的關係是什麼?→需將問題再縮小
7.pilot study與simulation study有何不同?
...pilot study的目的:必須做一部份的施測,以瞭解該項測驗是否可行。
...simulation study:模仿一些真實的事件的特徵,但未必去收案施測。
Simulation is the imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviours of a selected physical or abstract system.Simulation is used in many contexts, including the modeling of natural systems or human systems in order to gain insight into their functioning.
Pilot studies can test the feasibility of methods, define selection criteria, choose appropriate outcomes, and clarify programmatic issues, thereby identifying limitations that could have an impact on the final study (Portney & Watkins, 2000)
...(2)對於中風的認知(FIFE之idea)與預後的相關探討→可以研究,但不一定有許多文獻。可能暫時先不限定疾病類別,比較容易找到相關概念的資料。預後可縮小為復發機率較易界定。題目改為:中風相關知識(stroke knowledge)問卷之評析。
(1)Idea 意義何在
..☆可請教 鄭琦關於FIFE的問卷設計。
3.備用題目:三種常用於評量中風病人之憂鬱量表的評析 。
The research is clear-- there is only ONE way to get fluency. You must have a lot of understandable repetitive listening. That is the ONLY way. Both of those words are important-- Understandable and Repetitive. If you don't understand, you learn nothing. You will not improve.
**Understanding is Only Half The Formula
Understanding is not enough. You must also have a lot of repetition. If you hear a new word only once, you will soon forget it. You must hear new words and new grammar many many times before you will understand them instantly. That's why you must listen to the Mini-Stories, the Vocab Lessons, and the Audio articles many times.
You should listen to every lesson at least 30 times.
After 6-8 months, your speaking is faster and better. It happens automatically. You don't need to think.